As you may know...I'm back from my month long trip and I've got so much to tell you. I was originally planning on starting out with the first day and giving you a travel log of the trip, but I have had so many requests for a specific thing, I decided to start with that instead. THEN, I'll go back and tell you all about our fantastic trip.
That being popular request, here is the picture of Jonathon in a kilt! No drooling ladies! He's all mine! LOL
Awesome, isn't he! I tell you. I got all hot and bothered when I first saw him put it on. And now I know for sure exactly what is under one of those kilts! LOLOL
Let me tell you about buying the kilt for him. We went into Edinburgh, the capitol of Scotland, to see what we could find. We had no idea what or where to go, but we stumbled into the perfect place. A little shop on what is called the "Royal Mile", which is a street that leads up to Edinburgh Castle, the home of Scotland's Crown Jewels as well as the working home of part of the Scottish Military.
We wound up in a tiny little shop that happened to be the birthplace of Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver's Travels. The proprietor was a delight. He helped Jonathon find the perfect kilt--one from the clan Douglas. I watched as he bustled around, telling us funny stories about life in Edinburgh and himself. And low and behold, he transformed my hunky hottie into a Scottish hottie, complete with kilt and sporran! Whew! I had to ask him if he'd leave us alone for a while!
Well, that cracked him up and he offered the use of his dressing room! That made us bust up laughing and it was a very merry time as we finished our shopping. And as you can see by the picture, he did a hell of a job dressing up my man!
So, I leave you with this thought from our trip as well as another picture of Jonathon in his yummy kilt!!!
An Irish Blessings
May God give you...
for every storm a rainbow,
for every tear, a smile.
for every care, a promise,
and a blessing in each trial.
for every problem life sends,
a faithful friend to share,
for every sigh, a sweet song,
and an answer
for each prayer.
Will send out another installment by the weekend! And don't forget to check out my FREE READ at .
Blessings to everyone!
CJ England

For an autographed copy email CJ at
WOOHOO! I'm first! LOL
Let just say that boy does Jonathon look good in a kilt. Don't smack me, I'm just stating the truth. LOL The guy at the shop sounds like a hoot. ;-0
I can't wait to hear more.
Great pics CJ! Very cool!
It's great you had so much fun.
What a wonderful fun time CJ! Hubby has great legs! Looking forward to the rest of the trip.
Thanks you guys! I know that his legs and bum were the first thing I noticed! LOL
And no smacking. When you tell the tell the truth!
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