We've arrived in Macau!!! Woo Hoo! It was a long flight, but the stop over in Amsterdam was fun. We wandered the city, looked at the flower vendors (wow...beautiful), had a leisurely lunch on one of the plazas, corrupted my sweet baboo with a space cake, and then finally wandered the red light district so Jonathon could see the sights. We had a great time.
Then it was back on the plane and on to Macau. We arrived in early afternoon and were taken by Jonathon's new boss to our hotel. We have two weeks here to find an apartment and get settled, but Jonathon has to work full time while we do it. He has a Wednesday and Thursday off, so we hope to find a place to live then. Macau isn't that big and the apartments that expats (that's us) usually live in are pretty specific.
So, we have internet cafes where I can write you all, but the connection at the hotel is spotty at best. As I can, I will touch base, but I probably won't get on full time until we move in. We've already got a lead on a few places, so I'm praying the looking goes quickly.
Anyway, I'm about out of time here at the cafe so I'll push off. I'll leave you with a few pics of our travels. You all take care and I'll write when I can get back online. Enjoy the pictures.
The traditional kiss near one of the canals in Amsterdam. Check out the skinny houses behind us as well as the houseboats floating on the water.
This is one of the coffee houses, aka where you can buy and smoke all kinds of pot. There are many of them dotted all over the city, but this one--Hunter's--is my favorite.
Our arrival in Macau. One of the casinos just as you get off the ferry. The plane landed in Hong Kong then we transferred to a ferry for the rest of the trip. I slept. LOL Hope I didn't drool.
The view out of our hotel window in Macau. We are staying on this island, but Jonathon will be working on the island just to the south--Taipa.
A seaside walk on the southernmost island--Coloane (pronounced Call-oh-wan) It is a beautiful island, much more primitive than the other two. But a lovely place to visit.
Hugs to all,
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
1 comment:
Glad to hear you arrived safely! So did you get any wicked thoughts for new stories while in Amsterdam? LOL Good luck apartment hunting!
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