Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Midnight Seductions

Hey all,

Just a quick detour from our regularly scheduled programming.  

I'd totally forgotten that my Midnight Seductions group is having it's FIVE YEAR BIRTHDAY PARTY this weekend, and we're celebrating with a Blog Hop.

So, we'll push back the Caption Contest for another week.  That will give everyone a bit more time to enter.  For anyone interested in playing, go HERE for the rules and the beginning of the contest. Or see the last installment of photos to caption, HERE.

But today, in honor of our five year celebration, I have a blog about birthdays.  We all have them, so what exactly makes a birthday a day to remember?

According to Websters Dictionary, it means... a: the day of a person's birth, b : a day of origin, c : an anniversary of a birth.  But personally, I like Sammy Hagar's meaning best. 

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.

I love that.  The idea of getting a fresh new start each and every year of your life.  To take what you've learned the year before and make it a starting point from that moment on.  To build on the ups and downs...the rights and wrongs and look toward the future.

At Midnight Seductions, we've come a long way in five years and I've enjoyed every minute of it.  We've built on what we've done and what we've learned together, and we've all benefited from each other's mistakes and triumphs.  I've not been as active this last year since I'm overseas, but the friends and professional relationships I've made will last a lifetime.

One of the best things about birthdays is getting presents, but the Midnight Seduction's Authors aren't the ones getting the gifts...we're going to give them.  On the Blog Hop, for all our fans, we're giving away the chance for a fantastic prize.


How awesome is that?

And it's easy for all of you to win this wonderful new ebook reader.  To find out how to enter, go to the Midnight Seductions Blog.  There you'll get all the deets, as well as find the other authors for the blog hop.

Some of the authors also have individual contests as well, and you enter them to be a part of the main contest.  How do you enter my individual contest?  Easy Peasy.  Only two things to do.

1.  Leave a comment below with your favorite birthday memory.  That's the EASY part.  

2.  Now the PEASY.  :-)  Join my Chat group.  (The link is below)  Send an email to the group introducing yourself.

That's it.  Do the above and you'll be entered!  For my individual contest, I'll pick a winner early next week and announce it on my upcoming Thursday blog.  And the prize for it?  Your choice of my latest release, Luck Be A Lady or my upcoming Christmas release, Frosty...The Real Man.  (If you have-or have pre-ordered one of the books already, send me the receipt and we'll find another of my books you don't have.)

So take the time and get to know a few new authors. 

Different genres, heat levels and styles, but sure to please.  And you might be the one who takes home the Grand Prize of a KINDLE FIRE. 

And that will be a BIG Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!

Good Luck and I look forward to hearing all your great birthday memories!!!!

Hugs to all,

CJ England

 Follow Your Dreams

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Rhonda D said...

My favorite birthday memory is my 13th birthday. I had an awesome party where boys and girls were welcome. We all played basketball and hung out. The girls got to stay the night and we stayed up all night running track on the Nintendo. :)

Rhonda D said...

sorry my email is

joye said...

My favorite birthday was when I was 18-my dad bought me an old Chevy that he fixed up. It was a plain vanilla in looks but I drove it all over the place.
I even named it the Green Hornet-well it was green n color.

Maria D. said...

Happy Birthday Midnight Seductions!
I don't have a specific birthday that sticks out - my parents always made sure we did something fun on my birthday and had cake and a nice meal. To this day I celebrate my birthday with my parents, we either go out for lunch or sometimes lunch and dinner, I pick a movie to see at the theater and I always get some kind of present or sometimes just a cash gift:)

Thanks for the giveaway

junegirl63 at gmail dot com

Debby said...

My favorite memories involve gifts that my family put thoughts into.
debby236 at gmail dot com
I am already on your list.

Fedora said...

How fun, CJ! As for a favorite birthday memory? Dinner out with DH at a special restaurant, sans kids ;) It's always a treat to have some grown-up time!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th birthday! I always love my birthday parties. When I was a kid, we had sleepovers. Now, I get my favorite meal made and a big cake. I can't pick one because they are all great and spent with family and friends.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to all of the MSA, love this group!

ELF said...

My favorite birthday memory is having my mom hand me an invitation to a took me a bit of time to realize that it was a party for me!

Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the 5 year anniversary!