It's time for another guest blogger. Today I have the honor of introducing Brigit Aine who lives in

Thanks CJ for letting me come and visit and talk with your readers. I thought I might tell a story today so I pulled a Faery card.
Out of my original Froud Faery Oracle came Lys of the Shadows. Lys and I are old friends. We travel into the dark of the shadows on many occasions and she guides me through the things I need to find that may not be so easy to see.
She reminds me of a character in a new series I have started reading. The October Daye Series, “Rosemary and Rue” and “A Local Habitation” by Seanan MacGuire? She has a wonderful character, Tybalt, the King of the Cats, who cloaks himself in shadow to stay hidden, very cat like in nature. He is a Fae… but back to Lys, for I digress.
She has told me that today is not for shadows, but to be out in the sun, not a Fae’s favorite place according to Seanan. I agree, but I understand what Lys is trying to say. My story is not one of darkness today, the tale I wanted to tell not the one that was coming forward.
So instead let’s talk of Urban Fantasy and the wonderful new worlds that are being created. I have discovered that I have a taste for this “new” genre. It is a mix of the things that I have always read, the paranormal, the mystery and the romance. While it leaves the erotic at home, I do not have a problem with that.
Signs of the Zodiac by Vicki Pettersson is another favorite Urban Fantasy, probably the one that got me started. No, that would have to be Kim Harrison’s series. I don’t know, maybe the Sookie Stackhouse series. Hmmm…I’m starting to see a trend are you?
I am an avid reader, I love to read almost as much or possibly more than I love to write. I will read until the voices in my head tell me I have to write now. I love almost anything. While I am not a big historical fan, sorry, I do like to have accurate details in what I read. And vampires, or faeries, or shapeshifters, or all of the above.
Yep, Mercy Thompson is a favorite for it has a little of everything in it. Asking me to pick a favorite would be impossible. There is something in every one of those that makes it unique and different than the others and they have all help my attention totally when I read them. And there are so many more. Too many to list. But please tell me your favorites…maybe we will already share an interest and maybe I’ll find a new author.
Brigit Aine
Thanks, Brigit for that look into some of your worlds. I always find it fascinating to see

To learn more about Brigit Aine, please check out her website at...
or visit her blog at...
Oh, she had a new release come out just yesterday, so for more information on “Cassie’s Awakening”, stop by Eternal Press and read an excerpt of this fascinating shapeshifter story.
Hugs, and don't forget the Blog Challenge I put out on Tuesday's Blog! Win a FREE PDF Download!!!!!
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
Great blog! Wishing you many sales!!
Hey Brigit,
I love ur book cover and wish u the best with ur new release and oh boy, I have to admit I'm a True Blood Eric, Sookie and Bill...can't wait until the next season
Me too Tabs...and I want the next book...LOL.
Thanks Ms. C...
I have no clue about True Blood - never seen or read it... bet that shocks you, doesn't it, Brigit.
I DO know that Brigit writes a wonderful story with a lot of her heart and magical soul in each tale she tells, so much success with your sales on this special release!!!
Hi Brigit, hi CJ,
I love fairies too, Brigit, your last name is the same as the Irish fairy queen...
anyway, wonderful name, nice to learn of you through this
Wonderful blog Brigit!!
Hi Brigit,
I'm an avid reader also but unfortunately the voices in my head aren't story writers! I'd say they are more like trouble~making imps! LOL
Your question is who's my favorite writer ... hm-m-m ... let me think ... this is hard ...
Oh Yes! My favorite writer is CJ England!
;-) Ever heard of her? She's tough to keep up with, sort of "where in the world [or out of it] is CJ England?"
Best wishes for your continued success. The Voices Know!
Sara J. ~ : - ], who obviously needs more sleep.
[Pssst... I had to say CJ or she'll hurt me! Sh-h-h! LMAO]
Thanks for dropping by and commenting everyone! Brigit and I both appreciate the support.
I enjoyed the post. I'm a big True Blood fan, too.
Gotta love those vamps!
Tracey D
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.
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