Okay all,
I've been tagged by an author friend, Adriana Kraft, to challenge you to figure out the truth about me! So, we'll take a break from all things Singaporean and have some fun.
So, here we go. All but one of the following statements is true. Your job is to
figure out which one!!! (Choose only one answer)
The prize? A free e-book (pdf format) of the first book in the Second Chances Series: Waiting in the Wings. (Already have it? Enter anyway! We'll figure something out!!!)
To enter, send me an email and tell me which one of the following statements is NOT true! I'll give you a week to sort this out and draw a winner from the correct entries next Tuesday, March 16th. Okay? Here we go...
Truth or Lie???
1. I was born in central California.
2. I've been bitten by a stingray.
3. I've flown in a helicopter.
4. I am a little sister of Sigma Chi.
5. I once rode a bull in a rodeo.
6. I've sung at Notre Dame Cathedral.
7. I've been in each of these natural disasters (flood, hurricane, earthquake, forest fire, tornado)
8. I can play the guitar, the flute and the piano.
9. When I was a teenager, I was shot in the head.
10. My first car was an orange VW beetle.
Can you sift through the truths and discover the one lie! I challenge you to do so.
I've now officially tagged the following authors...
1. Raine Delight
2. Angela Kay Austin
3. D. Musgrave
4. Denyse Bridger
Find out the truth about them if you dare!!!!
And come on back to the blog tomorrow. I've got a great guest blogger, Brigit Aine, who will give you a glimpse into her world of the paranormal.
Hugs to all,
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
I'll guess 3 & 7.
I certainly hope it is not 9!
Carpe Noctem,
Author Desirée Lee
Putting the Romance Back in Necromancy
is it just one that's not true? hoping that's nine that's not...
my guess is 8. LOL
Hey all,
Remember, only ONE is not true, so choose only one!
And while I like the comments and don't want you to stop, please remember to send me an EMAIL too, so you can be entered!
I sent you an email and saw the automated response so hope you got it. Wonder how well I did! LOL Phylis
Got it Phylis,
That automated response comes because I'm overseas and the internet has been wonky. I figured better safe than sorry. LOL
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