It's Friday and you know what that means! Time for another guest blogger. And today's guest is fellow Loose Id author, Viki Lyn. Viki writes some great M/M books, and is an author who like myself doesn't see gender as an obstacle to falling in love. So let's find out a little more about Viki and her work. From her website...

Sounds like a gal who's got it all together and I can't wait to hear what she has to say. So join me in welcoming, Viki Lyn.
For those who don’t know me, I write male/male romance under my pen name – Viki Lyn. I went from writing historical romances to m/m romance about a year ago, my first m/m published in June 2009. Many of my readers want to know why I made the switch.
I’ve been writing for about ten years. I began with short fan fics that were awful. Then I challenged myself to writing longer stories that were equally awful! I still have them buried on some CD stashed in a desk drawer. But though my writing was terrible, I enjoyed it. I kept writing, and slowly began to improve.
I really enjoy the process of writing. So, I decided to get serious. I enrolled in writing classes, joined my local chapter of RWA and learned the business side of writing. In 2006, my first book was published by Samhain, a 1960’s het romance set in San Francisco. I wrote five more historical romances including a WWII trilogy and a 1913 romance.
I’m a big yaoi fan (Japanese boy’s love comics) and have over 300+ in my collection. I also collect DC comics, and especially drool over Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson (the first Robin, then Nightwing, and now wearing the mantle of Batman, although Bruce Wayne will return one of these days!)
Okay, so I read Batman/Nightwing slash, too. *red in the face*
I’ve always enjoyed reading m/m romance and mysteries. I had lived in the gay district in San Diego before moving to Arizona, and our neighbors, a wonderful gay couple, became our best friends. They had a loving relationship of several years before one partner passed away. I remember so well the agony my friend went through after his partner’s death, and the problems he had since they were not officially married. It broke my heart. I wanted to write a HEA story dedicated to them, and well, for me, gender isn’t an issue in a love story. Once I wrote my first m/m romance I was hooked.
My other love is traveling and visiting sacred sites. I’ve always been interested in ancient history, mythology and spiritual places and my artwork had centered on spiritual themes.
One of my most awe-inspiring trips was Malta and touring the World Heritage Neolithic temples. My husband couldn’t go so my oldest sister joined me (I have three sisters, and they are my biggest fans!). We had such fun together, first visiting Positano, Italy, and climbing all the zillion of stairs to our amazing hotel room with an incredible view of the Amalfi coast. I actually lost weight on this trip!
Then we took a flight to Malta. The Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (4,000 BC to 2,000 AD) was the highlight of the trip. It’s an underground temple sensuously carved out of rock. It was an amazing experience to walk along the ancient pathway through arched chambers and burial rooms.
When I returned, I began to write paranormal romance. I love the freedom of creating imaginary worlds steeped in mythology. I’m on my third m/m paranormal romance and hope to have it finished by the end of the month. If I rein in my restless nature and get to back to work!
Thank you CJ for letting me ramble on…
Viki Lyn
You're more than welcome, Viki. The journey you're on is not only interesting, but it can teach all of us not to give up on our dreams when things get tough. If you'd like to know more about Viki Lyn, go see her at the followin sites...
Visit her website for more information on her books:
Check out her current release: A ‘coming out’ story published by Loose Id: Out of Bounds

Visit her website for more information on her books:
Check out her current release: A ‘coming out’ story published by Loose Id: Out of Bounds
And get to know her better on her blog...
I'll be back on Monday with another blog about who knows what! LOL And I'll also be reminding you all about my upcoming FREE READ blog that will be starting in just another week. There will be contests, fun and all kinds of cool things. So jump on over and become a follower so you don't miss out on a thing!
CJ England

I'll be back on Monday with another blog about who knows what! LOL And I'll also be reminding you all about my upcoming FREE READ blog that will be starting in just another week. There will be contests, fun and all kinds of cool things. So jump on over and become a follower so you don't miss out on a thing!
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
A question for Viki. Is it harder to write M/M love scenes than M/F? I know that when I try to write a love scene I try to picture it with me in the scene to get feelings and such, so I think I might have more trouble with M/M. Looks like you have traveled to some really cool places! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Phylis ~ I'm not sure why, but it's actually easier for me to write m/m love scenes! Not sure what that says about me?! I do read a lot of the genre and take notes of the love scenes that I've enjoyed reading. I'd also had bought gay sex manuals when I just started writing m/m, so I could understand the terms and differences - but in the end, I'm really just writing a LOVE story and that's what's more important in my stories. I hope that comes across, too.
Totally agree with you there, Viki. When I wrote my first M/M I sent it to a gay friend to make sure I wasn't being too hetro, if you know what I mean. But he said as long as you get the "parts" right, LOL, just make it a love story.
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