Hey all,
One of my favorite things to do is look at different kinds of art. And, of course, here in Europe, I have chances a plenty. I've been to the Louvre and the Hermitage. I've seen Rembrandts, Picassos, Rodans, Rubens, Monets and many, many others.
I've been fortunate enough to gaze upon the Sistine Chapel where Michelangelo did his masterpiece, and after seeing her, scratched my head over just why everyone thinks the Mona Lisa is such a great piece of work.
I've giggled over some of the paintings and sculptures in museums and stood awed by the beautiful work done by painters I'd never heard of before. Traveling is one way to truly learn to enjoy art in all its forms.
Yet there is so much more art out there just waiting to be discovered. Pieces of art that don't get written up in magazines nor does the History channel care about doing a three piece series on how the painter got his mojo going. In fact, most of this art people pass by without even recognizing it IS art.
And maybe that's because sometimes you're not sure it is.
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If I've learned anything in my travels, I've learned art is, too. So many times I stop and gaze at "art" in the square or park and think to myself, "WTF?" Or see something truly wonderful and unique and wonder why IT isn't in one of the big museums.
So for today's Lighter Side, I thought I'd pick a few of the pieces of art I've seen that to me, were a little different...but outstandingly excellent, and those that make me blink and say, "What were they thinking? And why?" Enjoy! And remember to click on any pic to make it bigger.
One of the Subway Stops in Paris France. Is it art or is it a model of DNA? Either way, it definitely made you stop and stare.
This sculpture was down on the waterfront in Barcelona, Spain. Each time I walked by it, I wondered if kids had nightmares about a giant lobster pinching it's way through the city. But at least it looked like a happy lobster.
Barcelona had a lot of odd art. This one sat in the middle of the harbor. I always thought two things when I looked at it. 1) How many times do the seagulls poop on his face? 2) Just WTF is he looking at????
One of my favorite "weird" art pieces in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Is this art channeling pine cones or is it one gianormous fishing lure?
I still don't know what this is. I saw it almost every day since it was right down the street from our apartment in Amsterdam. It was in the window of what looked like a studio. It's made of fabric that was just stretched. But art? What do you think?
This art sat on top of one of the advertising columns around town in Amsterdam. At first glance it looks like a crab. But once you look closer you can see it's not. And just what is that glumpy pile beneath it's "feet"? Not saying what it looks like to me. LOL
Are they planters, topiaries, or art? I guess that's up to you. I just know they were beautiful and different. These sat just outside the gate to Planckendael Zoo near Antwerp, Belgium.
This very strange and odd and different piece of art is part of the open air exhibit from Middelheim Sculpture Museum in Antwerp. It almost looks alive, reaching for the water, doesn't it?
Another sculpture from Middelheim. You have to click on this one to appreciate it. This was one of the true WTF? moments for me. But I guess if the masters can depict death scenes in marble, this gal can do it in metal. I guess.
"Oh, I'm glad I'm not an Oscar Mayer wiener..."
And one last piece of art before I call it a Friday. This one is another favorite, here in Antwerp. It's similar to one I've put on my FB page that was in Middelheim. But the odd thing about this sculpture is it sits outside of an old church. I mean...I love the art, but outside a church? In my humble opinion, that's just beyond creepy!!!
So there you have it. A look at art in all it's oddities! A few from each country we've been in so far. Now the question is, what do YOU think? Is it art or not? And if you have a piece of art you'd like to share with us, please do. Put a link with your comment below. I'd love to see what you consider art and what you think is different, excellent or just plain, "WTF???"
Until Monday,
Until Monday,
CJ England

Those are quite interesting and different and strange! I like the last ones, even if they are outside a church. lol There is a rest stop outside of Lincoln that has some odd sculptures in it. Sometimes I think it is hard to define art. It's truly in the eye of the beholder.
I was a little disappointed at the Mona Lisa when I saw it. Maybe if you could actually see it outside its security glass it might impress. They talk about her enigmatic smile. In the 1960s that was called an illegal smile. She was either on dope or just had an orgasm when the original sketch was drawn.
Whoever pays for Paris subways must have had money left over in the budget.
The happy lobster would have looked good at an airport bus stop.
The harbor sculpture reminds me of the peeing fountains they sell in garden shops.
The pine cone fishing lures would go over big on Sponge Bob Square pants.
If it were in France number 6 could be titled, guillotine art. Who should lose their head? I vote for the artist.
If I were Tom Petty I would make them take my poster off that monstrosity.
Number 8 looks like jumping fish if fish looked like cigar store Indians.
The boat reminds me of Scotland's Firth of Forth where boats are on dry ground during low tide.
Number 10 is sausage as a euphemism.
The last one would scare me to death if the first time I saw it was on a dark foggy night. I would be looking for zombies.
I totally agree, Phylis. And I can't help but shake my head over some of the stuff I see. But I have to admit, it's a guilty pleasure to go find art that ISN'T true art to me. It's fun to look and diss it. LOL Maybe that's what some artists had in mind???
LOL Ray about the Mona Lisa. I was lucky enough to see her right up front--very few crowds at the Louvre in December--and my first thought was, "she isn't all that!" I'm not fond of portraits anyway, but I saw nothing mystical or magic about the painting.
And thank you for your great comments on the other art. Laughing is a great way to start a day!!!!
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