Friday, December 24, 2010

Making A List and Checking it Twice...

 Hey all,

Happy Christmas Eve!  I hope each and everyone of you have an awesome and wonderful start to this most special holiday.  As you read this, Jonathon and I will be in Hong Kong at their Disneyland.  We can't wait to see what is the same and what is different.
And since it's Friday I have another great guest blogger for you all.  She's got a blog that will make you look at more than just the presents you may have under the tree.  But first, let's get to know her.  She's Angela Kay Austin who has this to say about herself....

After twenty years of practicing marketing: writing copy, designing layouts, developing advertising campaigns, she realized each piece of the plans she put together eventually told a story. And, since she was a ‘tween reading her mother's Reader's Digest, and every teen magazine she could find she'd dreamt of telling stories. Angela has written for webzines like Rithm 'n Blues.

Her first book, "Love's Chance" stayed on Red Rose Publishing's Best Seller list for 10 weeks. Her latest release, “My Son”, will be available from Red Rose Publishing.

And I have to say what I've read of her work has been very well done, so make sure you check the links at the end of the blog for info on how to pick it up!  But before we get into that, let's see what Angela has to say.


It’s the end of the year, and like so many others, I take this time of year to assess what I did and did not accomplish. 

For me, this includes taking a look at where I was…and where I am, now, as a writer. Books written. Books submitted. Books published. Classes taken. Classes completed. Promotion. Conferences. Networking. The list is unending. And sometimes, overwhelming.

A lot of these I can put a big red checkmark beside, as accomplished or in process. But, one of the most important things…networking, I can’t put that big happy checkmark next to. Why? Because life got in the way. 

It’s amazing how easily you fall out of the habit of blogging, visiting sites, catching up to friends over coffee, listening to and participating in radio (Internet) programs, etc. At first, it’s one or two, then you look up, and the whole year has flown by, and you did—maybe—one or two appearances.

Writing is such a solitary world. In the art of “creating worlds”, you forget to be a part of the world. That does not lend itself to keeping readers’ attention. How can you write and create stories of love, if you’re not out living and loving? 

You might find it interesting how story ideas come about. They can be sparked from: news, radio, TV, and yes, conversations with friends. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere.

Networking (or spending time with friends) could just solve that inevitable battle with writer’s block, and help me write the next great American novel ;-)

So, yes, one of my goals for the New Year: network, network, and network.

How do you plan to start your New Year?


It is so absolutely true that when we writers create a world we have a tendency to forget to live in this one.  My own sweet baboo despairs of me sometimes when we'll be out and about and my mind will wander to how Eámanë is going to get back through the faerie myst with her new lover, David, or if Jhara will be rescued when she is kidnapped by Kylian rebels.

And it is difficult to pull ourselves out of those worlds to deal with such mundane "chores" as emails or interviews.  But, since we get to meet such great people doing it, those things are more than worth it.

Find out more about Angela and her work by checking her out at the following links.

I'll be back on Monday with an after Christmas special report on all the weekends going on!  You all have a wonderful and dream filled Christmas.


CJ England

Follow Your Dreams


Phylis said...

Even those of us who just read your worlds have trouble sometimes staying in this one. Great blog and good luck with that goal!

Angela said...

CJ, thank you for letting me poke my head in right before the holidays. Wow, Hong Kong! I hope you're enjoying every single moment.

Phyllis, thank you. Isn't it wonderful sometimes to escape into other worlds ;-)