It's Monday again and you all know what that means. That's right. Time for a guest blogger. Today we have another Aspen Mountain author, Cynthia Vespia.
Cynthia was drawn to writing early on in life where she established a successful career as a freelance journalist writing everything from features and fillers, to reviews and human interest stories. Writing novels remained her first love. Cynthia writes quality, character driven novels full of suspense as well as dark fantasy. She likes to refer to her novels as "Real life situations that you could find yourself in but hope to God you never do.” In her spare time she enjoys reading, movies that involve a strong plot/characters, and keeping active through various forms of martial arts and as an active fitness competitor.
Welcome, Cynthia!!!
I've been pondering what to write about for this guest blog spot. What's universal? What does everyone want especially with the start of a new year? Dreams-to meet goals. More often than not we will allow our dreams to slip away. We get caught up with day-to-day life, grow complacent, put things off, saying to ourselves we have plenty of time. Not true. No one should wait for a crisis before they set out in search of their hearts desires.Cynthia was drawn to writing early on in life where she established a successful career as a freelance journalist writing everything from features and fillers, to reviews and human interest stories. Writing novels remained her first love. Cynthia writes quality, character driven novels full of suspense as well as dark fantasy. She likes to refer to her novels as "Real life situations that you could find yourself in but hope to God you never do.” In her spare time she enjoys reading, movies that involve a strong plot/characters, and keeping active through various forms of martial arts and as an active fitness competitor.
Welcome, Cynthia!!!
I believe in self improvement. Over the past few years I've studied quite a few different things and come to learn a lot about myself and what's been holding me back in certain areas of life. I'm sure it's the same for a lot of you...it's fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, even fear of success. I feel its weight like an anchor tied to my ankle. It's debilitating, keeps you complacent in your cozy little shell.
But when I look back over my life I don't want to regret anything. You always regret not doing something as opposed to doing, because even if you try and it doesn't quite work out (notice I didn't say fail!) at least you learned something from the experience. The point is to not be afraid to venture out past the gates of safety and go after what you really want.
Think back to when you were a kid and the world was your playground. There were no limitations to your imagination. You were going to have, do, and be whatever you wanted and no one was going to stop you. When do we as adults lose that resolve? What gets stuck in our heads that makes us think we can't pursue our true passion? Are we not worthy enough?
In the movie Fight Club there is a scene where Brad Pitt puts a gun to a convenience store clerk's head and threatens to kill this man if he doesn't go back to school and realize his dream of becoming a veterinarian. Talk about stimulation to succeed! But do we really need a threat on our lives or a close call to kick us in the butt? Maybe not a real gun to the head but I think you do have to have some sort of drive to get you going in the right direction, back on your true path.
"It's up to us to pursue and create the moments that will lift us and not limit us." - Tony Robbins
One of the greatest visionaries of our time is a man named Schwarzenegger. He came to this country with a gym bag and limited English and now he's the Governor of California. Why? He knew exactly what he wanted, and he believed he would attain it, always fixing his path towards his goal to suit his needs. If something didn't work the first time he tweaked it until he reached his goal and then he made new goals. He knew where he would be in his life five years out! Schwarzenegger had visualization and positive thinking down before it became a bestseller.
You have to chase your dreams. It gives you a reason to get up in the morning...other than the coffee that is. I've been interested in writing ever since I was a little kid. There's something to be said for that rush of inspiration and that fire in the heart that you get when you know you're doing what you're meant to be doing.
What I'm getting at with all this is that it's never too late to appease that little boy or girl inside you and follow through on a dream or goal you once thought lost. You're still breathing aren't you? There's too much talent going to waste because of fear and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. Consider me your proverbial gun to the head! Live your dreams!!!
My latest release...

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For more information on Cynthia and her work, please visit her WEBSITE or her BLOG.
Since you all know my tag line is Follow Your Dreams, this blog offering is right up my alley. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please let Cynthia know in the comments below!
Hugs and see you all tomorrow...
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
Wow, Cynthia,
That is thought provoking. Makes you sit back and realize each day is precious and filled with opportunities!
Dreams keep us sane. Imagine not having somethibg to look forward to, no hope of a better future. We're lucky to live where all dreams are doable if we are willing to work for it. Good blog Cynthia.
It is delightful
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