Here is your next installment of the travel journal. Sorry it's late. Enjoy this day of touring thorugh this beautiful country.
We left our hotel early...and omg, was it hard to get up. We were exhausted and still not quite over our jet lag. Our first stop was Belgium...just because. LOL We haven't been there before and we decided to at least cross the border to say we'd been.

Got into Paris later than we wanted. We didn't have a city map, just a regional one and it was difficult to know where we were. We did see a lot of Paris you might not normally, but traffic was insane and so were the drivers. Scooters are HUGE over there and they zip and slide around you and take their lives into their hands every second. There are even scooters with roll bars--I kid you not--so you know there are accidents.

Got to the tower just before dark and we went up to the hightest floor. I'd been here before, but I didn't remember going to the top of the tower. Once I did, I remembered why I HADN'T! LOL The elevator was terrifying!!! It shimmied and shook and I had my head buried in Jonathon's chest the whole time. I thought I was being a baby, but he said it was scary for him too and he isn't afraid of heights like I am.
It was worth it though...the city is beautiful from up there. We got to see it at dusk as well as full dark and the lights were lovely. Everything is laid out before you, and you can spend hours just gazing at the city. We stayed up there for about an hour, but we were getting hungry so we regretfully came down and headed for our next destination, Champ de Elysses and the Arch de Triumph.
We had dinner at this sidewalk cafe--something I'd always dreamed of doing--and it was wonderful. The cafe was called the King George V and we tried everything French. I had snails. OMG yummy, and Jonathon had Beef Bourgonouis. We tried two types of wine, and I, who am NOT a wine drinker, actually liked mine. It was a perfect night. Cold, so we snuggled together under their heat lamps, ate and people watched.
One of the most interesting things we saw was this game they must play in France. Bottle rolling. Seriously, it must be a game because as we were sitting there we watched this bottle roll by. When it bumped into someone, instead of picking it up or tossing it away, each person it came near either moved out of the way so it could keep going, or if it was heading for a wall or gutter, they'd move it so it was rolling down the street again. We watched it for the longest time. Totally amazing and we were in stitches over it! LOL
After the meal we walked for awhile, enjoying the sights and sounds of Paris at night. It is a magical place and made for lovers, so Jonathon and I took every advantage of it!
Next stop is the beaches of Normandy! See ya next time with more!