I've had a really good and a bit of a distressing week so far. I got a lot done on my work in progress, but there were some things that have gotten in the way so I won't be able to finish it as I planned.
I'm down to the wire, but this part of the book is so damn emotional it takes a lot longer to put it down.
And it takes a lot more out of me.
So I want to take today to just vent a little. Maybe it will help me get rid of some of the irritation I've carried over the last few days. And in the comments below, you can join me and rant about the things that may be bugging you.
Ready? Here we go
Don't you just hate...
Hearing the politicians make promises and knowing they have no intention of keeping them. A certain mayor in the Midwest stood behind a podium and promised to make sure no more police were fired from their jobs. That very afternoon he fired over a dozen police men and women. When called on it, he explained "it was unavoidable". That things had changed since he made that promise. Excuse me? How did the budget and situation change in the two hours since you spoke out that lie...I mean promise. Please!
Don't you just hate...
People who say their way is the ONLY way. The ONLY real way (in my case) authors should write. The fact there are hundreds upon hundreds of award winning, bestselling writers who do it differently don't really matter. The fact the number one romance author in the whole bloody world writes differently is just a coincidence. These narrow-minded people are the ONLY ones who know anything.
Don't you just hate...
Hearing the president of Iran say it's the US's fault that 9/11 occurred ,and the only thing Obama can do is "vigorously condemn" the man's words? Seriously? How about a big case of whoop ass on that idiot! I'm sorry. That type of diarrhea of the mouth should be stopped whatever way we can.
Don't you just hate...
Putting out a serious question or comment on Facebook or Twitter and no one responds. Yet the guy just after you shows some ugly picture of his aunts butt and at last count he had 1,546,898 bloody comments!
Don't you just hate...
Don't you just hate...
Making a time consuming recipe you just KNOW is going to be *sings it* AWESOME, and it is, but your significant other inhales it and then says he'd rather have had pizza. Why is he still alive? I'll give you pizza, buddy. And it will be a while before you can dig it out of your pores! (This from a girlfriend who I was commiserating with. Jonathon knows better. LOL)
Don't you just hate...
The fact a highschool dropout holding up the stop/go sign at the road construction makes more than you do and you're a college graduate. And while I believe that unions are absolutely necessary in some ways, please guys. Twenty-five dollars an hour to hold a sign? How does that make sense? I can see it when it's the surgeon working on my heart, but come on. Let's make sure the job and the pay are commensurate with each other.
Don't you just hate...
When you go to Walmart (or any other store) and as you walk around and try and take something off the shelf you get a shock. Now the first time is annoying, but after the 153rd time, the Pavlovian response kicks in and you start whimpering like a baby when you start to reach for that can of peas. After being forced to wear mittens in our neighborhood store (in Florida so you can imagine the looks I got) I did some research and found out that if you overdry your clothes or hair or wear foam flip flops the static electricity in the environment is drawn to you. Great! Now I'm a bloody lightning rod!
And finally...
Don't you just hate...
When one of the services you use like yahoo, google, blogger, twitter or any of the other absolutely necessary (said tongue in cheek) things we use on a daily basis, does an "upgrade" to make it "easier" to use. And suddenly you find out the thing you used to be able to speed through is now a tangled morass of idiotic links, ideas and unnecessary applications. You can't use it. It is so bloody slow you could knit a cow faster. And it doesn't do ANY of the things you first signed up for. Take note, Google. The new image view you have looks great, but is SOOOOOOOOOO slow to load you can die of old age before you see what you're looking for. And the basic version, while still available, sits at the bottom of the page and you can't get to it because the page keeps loading....s...l...o...w...l...y. At least give me a default so I can use the basic all the time!!!
Well, that's it. I've ranted enough. Now it's your turn. I know there are A LOT of things that drive us crazy. Hell, there's even a book written about it. Check it out. at Amazon Don't You Just Hate That?: 738 Annoying Things .
Anyway, now is the time to share in the comments below. Let it out! You'll feel better. Besides, you know you want to. LOL
And don't forget we have our first Guest Blogger on Friday. We'll be visiting with Kelly Heckart , so come on over and set a spell! See you then!
CJ England

And finally...
Don't you just hate...
When one of the services you use like yahoo, google, blogger, twitter or any of the other absolutely necessary (said tongue in cheek) things we use on a daily basis, does an "upgrade" to make it "easier" to use. And suddenly you find out the thing you used to be able to speed through is now a tangled morass of idiotic links, ideas and unnecessary applications. You can't use it. It is so bloody slow you could knit a cow faster. And it doesn't do ANY of the things you first signed up for. Take note, Google. The new image view you have looks great, but is SOOOOOOOOOO slow to load you can die of old age before you see what you're looking for. And the basic version, while still available, sits at the bottom of the page and you can't get to it because the page keeps loading....s...l...o...w...l...y. At least give me a default so I can use the basic all the time!!!
Well, that's it. I've ranted enough. Now it's your turn. I know there are A LOT of things that drive us crazy. Hell, there's even a book written about it. Check it out. at Amazon Don't You Just Hate That?: 738 Annoying Things .
Anyway, now is the time to share in the comments below. Let it out! You'll feel better. Besides, you know you want to. LOL
And don't forget we have our first Guest Blogger on Friday. We'll be visiting with Kelly Heckart , so come on over and set a spell! See you then!
CJ England

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