Just a quick blog to let you know of a change coming up. I'll be having Guest Bloggers again starting October 1, 2010, so my blogging schedule will change as follows...
I'll be blogging on Monday and Wednesdays about whatever rocks my boat, then on Friday we'll have a variety of guest bloggers coming to play with us. Our first guest blogger will be Kelley Heckart who writes some dynamite stories and will tell us a little about what she thinks about adding animals into her books.
I also have some other blog activities in the works and as soon as those come to fruition, I'll announce it here. So stay tuned. You never know what might happen when CJ starts dreaming! LOL
And don't forget to subscribe to my FREE READ at it's new location. I'll be starting up the FREE READ on Monday, October 18th with a brand new, never before seen story. So head on over right now and subscribe. I'll be having a contest launching the new site, and the first 20 people who subscribe will be entered in twice!!!!
So go to http://cjenglandsfreeread.blogspot.com/ and do the following two things to DREAM WITH CJ.
1. Up in the very top left hand corner, you'll see the tiny little word "follow". Click on that and indicate that you are going to follow PUBLICLY. (If you do so anonymously, it won't count.) I don't have my followers up for all to see on my blog anyway. It's just for my own knowledge. Comprehend? Cool. That's one!
2. Next, just below that you'll see a form that says, "Subscribe to the FREE READ". Here is where you fill out your email address. Do so, and then when you get a confirmation letter, make sure you confirm that as well. That will add you to a list that will send out notices whenever a new post comes out on my blog. Once you do that, you're done!!! And automatically entered into the contest.
Check the FREE READ blog with more contest updates as we draw nearer to the launch date!
Anyway, that's all for today. I'll be back on Friday with the story about how we spent today's Mid-Autumn Festival. Pics and everything! WooHoo!!!!
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
Love the redesign of your site
Thanks, Maria. I didn't even know I could redesign, but this new blogger is pretty cool.
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