Here is a question for you. The other day, I found myself having to go through my heroes in all my books I've written. Now...I've written, outlined, or dreamed over thirty-five books as of this writing, so I have a nice little database to help me remember who is who.
As I was updating it, I got to looking at all those hunky heroes and realized I had a definite preference for a certain type of man. Now he's got to be in good shape...not a body builder, but muscles are a must! I wasn't all that concerned with eye color, as long as they "blazed with lust and love" at some point in time. *grin*
It was the hair color that surprised me. The adage "tall, dark, and handsome" is alive and well in CJ England's books. Out of all my heroes, more than 2/3 were brunettes of some type. There isn't a red head in the bunch (I'll be rectifying THAT immediately) and just a few blonds.
Now my Jonathon is dark, so I know I have that personal preference, but I didn't realize it was so pronounced in my writing. Made me smile again to see just how much of myself I do put in my stories.
But I got to wondering about how other's felt... Do you prefer a certain hair color in a date, mate or lover? Does it matter to you? What color of hair catches your eye as you are walking to your car?
And we can take it a step further... Now that you've got the hair color... where is it? Do you like men with long trailing locks, handfuls of chest hair, and a beard? Or do you like them smooth as a baby's butt? Shaved head?

You you want women with long hair or short? Do you like it free and easy so you can grab it in passion, or do you mind those intricate french braids where not a strand is out of place?
On a man's you want it smooth and shiny? Or a few whorls of hair? Maybe you are one of those who want a bear for their man.
Lets go...ummm...below. What about groin hair? On men? On women? Women, do you like a man to shave down there? a shaved mons area more sexy than one with hair?

If you already have it, I'll send you a bunch of promotional goodies and candy instead.
Just answer here on the blog. I'll draw the name and announce the winner, next Friday! I'm curious to see what other's like, so bring it on!
CJ England
The Peacekeeper Journals II: The Gates of Life
Follow Your Dreams...into a World of Romance and Imagination
The Peacekeeper Journals II: The Gates of Life
Follow Your Dreams...into a World of Romance and Imagination
As far as dates and my hubby they have all been brunettes but I was attracted to two redheads, just never did anything about it because I came from the era where men did all the first moves.
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