Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When is Free Speech Too Costly?

Hey all,

Today's post is one that is being tweeted and blogged about in many places right now.  As you know, Obama switched his stand on gay rights, and the newsies went crazy.  Some of the things they are writing are, as Karen on Karen Knows Best would say, "bat-shit crazy".  Others follow a more mellow approach, but two of the crazies stood out for me and made me say, WTF???  Let's listen to Jane...who I'm pretty sure escaped from her keepers to go to this public meeting.

Now I as I read further, I see she is mentally ill and under 24 hour care, but I ask you, who thought it was okay for her to come and vomit out this type of poison, ill or not???  Unfortunately, someone, somewhere who hears this IS going to believe it.  And so, on it continues...bigotry, stupidity and ignorance.  Whether you agree with allowing gay rights or not, this type of behavior is unacceptable.

And then there is Paul Cameron, an extremely vocal member of the Family Research Institute who is  considered an expert by many of those who agree with him.  Listen to what he has to say...

Read the whole Article“The long term goal of the homosexual movement is to get every little boy to grab his ankles and every little girl to give it a try,” warning that children might be “forced to at least once experience homosexual acts.”  Seriously?  You actually think that???

Again, right or wrong not withstanding, I think the goal of gay people worldwide right now is to be treated like human beings.

What do you think when you read this kind

Be back on Friday with some Lighter Side!


CJ England


Debby said...

I think they are ignorant but very alarming

CJ England said...

Yeah, Debby, I agree. Ignorance can lead people astray so easily. It's frightening.

Lisa said...

Scary stuff!

This type of vitriol makes me so angry, but you know what? I'm going to choose to see a bright side: If these people are running scared, maybe common sense is winning.

CJ England said...

I guess, Lisa, we can only hope. Otherwise, we'll despair of those who peddle this type of hate.

wyndwhisper said...

you know it takes the truley ignorant to say something that is truley that stupid. have these people research their facts? read ANYTHING about human rights or the gay rights movement?
so once they are done bashing the homosexuals, who is next? the handicapped? elderly?homeless(as if they don't already get enough abuse), i know why don't they abuse and belittle the 65,000 people that go to bed hungry every night and it's an even higher number for those with no place to sleep(their not all doppers/alcoholics ya know).

my thought is this if you need a soap box to stand on and a issue to dig at then make it one worth it. if you Have to,just have to solve a problem try solving one that will matter and leave the rest to God.

Tammy Ramey

CJ England said...

I agree 100%, Tammy. I've heard enough of this garbage to choke me. At least, if you have an issue, make your arguments coherent and informed.

Daryl Devoré said...

So glad I'm Canadian.

Phylis said...

My daughter is a staunch advocate of gay and bisexual/gender rights. She was part of a group at school that tried to bring support for them. It's just equal rights. It's not like we are making them dictators and they are forcing their lifestyle on us. That last guy with homosexuality is a 24/7 deal... Is there any time to sleep, eat, what? What's scary is he is a leader. *sigh*

CJ England said...

LOL, Daryl *cue spooky music* The crazies are coming for you up north, too! LOL

CJ England said...

So true, Phylis. I wonder if he realizes that he is 24/7 too and as bad as those he believes are leading us all down the path to destruction.

Anya K said...

They have the Constitutional right to say it, we have the Cntitutional right to say they are nuts. Even better, we have the Constitutional right to write their sponsers, there is always a money trail, and let them know how much we are NOT going to support them.

CJ England said...

Amen, Anya. And we should. Every time. I guess what scares me are the people that listen and actually buy into the hate.

felinewyvern said...

I think the sooner this kind of ignorance is stamped out the better. If people would just treat each other as human beings and stop labelling them, life would be so much better for everyone.

CJ England said...

And it breaks my heart to see people treat each other this way. Why is the color of our skin, who we choose to love, or what sex we are such a big deal. We are who we are. Embrace the differences!!!

Ray said...

Did anyone notice that the man sitting behind the woman was almost laughing out loud? He then turned to someone off to his right to say something and show something he had in his hand.

Without knowing she is a mental patient I know that she is as mental as mental can be. According to her, and she has proof, AIDS is a fungus? Never let facts get in the way of what you believe.

Family Research. Where do they get their information, on the back of a comic book where there are ads for X-ray glasses? John Stewart could have fun with that one. A movie producer making a movie about demon possession could make stars of both of them.

The sad part is that there are people who are normally rational that believe them. Why are people so gullible?

CJ England said...

I thought he made the video even funnier, Ray. His reactions were great.

And I agree with your last sentence. That's what scares me. The gullibility I see, especially about hot-button subjects.

Ray said...

I just read an interview about how people will change from one election to the next if their party of choice changes sides on an issue. What is scary about the LGBT issue is that and the abortion issue this is the first time since right after the Civil War that the country is trying to take back rights. What the right wing does not realize is that a right is a right, not something to be given or taken.

CJ England said...

*shakes head* I worry some times. Seems to me our freedoms are slowly being chipped away in the name of being protected. While I agree in some ways, I can see the baby being thrown out with the bathwater and that just flat out terrifies me for the future.

Ray said...

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

One of the quotes I sometimes use. Maybe now is the time to use it again.

The Republicans keep calling the current administration the Nanny State. Who are they kidding? The restrictions on freedom from the religious right is stifling. If they could control our thoughts they would. They sure do a job of manipulating thought though even now.

Kelley Heckart said...

It's very frightening. What's even more frightening is that people listen to them and believe the crap they are spouting.

Unknown said...

I hate even reading about things the bigots and haters say.

I've always had gay friends, and of course the nephew that lives with me is gay. It infuriates me that some people treat them as sub-human.

I actively campaign for change in this area.

CJ England said...

Excellent quote, Ray.

CJ England said...

CC, I agree. I'm all for free speech, but when people begin to believe crazy stuff, it is frightening.

CJ England said...


Subhuman. I guess that is what some people think, isn't it? And that is beyond despicable.

Ray said...

I listened to part of this on my way to pick up my grandson at the Naval station after his ship arrived this morning. It is called CHURCH AND STATE IN AMERICA.
If you want this particular episode as an MP3/4 you can download up until the next one is posted. The show is on from 11 to 12 weekdays. On iTunes it is the podcast from May 18.

It is about the fight for religious freedom from church dominated government in early Colonial times. What I heard was about Roger Williams being banished from Massachusetts because he stood up in the pulpit to preach for equality for the Native Americans. He refused to stop his fight for Native rights so he was going to be sent back to England. He set up his church just across the border from Mass. Massachusetts sent troops to bring him back so he couldn't preach so close and include their citizens in his church. Then Mass annexed his community. He had friends in London who were able to help him get permission to start his own colony in what is now Rhode Island.

Also after saying most people are now ignorant of the history of separation of church and state. The speaker said one of the early groups to advocate the concept was the Baptists. You couldn't tell that to the right wingers in that faith group.

CJ England said...

Wow, Ray... I think I remember reading about this somewhere when we were traveling in the NE. I wonder how many people do know why things are the way they are.