Sunday, November 17, 2013

To Free Read or Not To Free Read Plus Some Fun!!!

Hey all,

As promised, today I've got some news about my FREE READ blog.  It's been inactive for awhile, with all the other things on my plate, and I've regretted that, so I've decided to bring it back online.  

So, starting on December 1st, I'll be starting up my FREE READ blog with a story I began in my newsletter, but never got to finish.  So, I'll finish it there.

So, stay tuned as we meet Eran and Michelle, a heavenly angel and a very rare female Nephilim he protects as he gets her ready for the battle against evil.  But Eran is more than Michelle's trainer.  Even warrior angels can fall in love.

But will their love survive the evil that is thrown their way?  Will Asmodeous, the dark demon who wants Michelle for himself, be able to tempt her away from the Lord and the angel who completes her?   Find out in our newest FREE READ blog entry, The Nephilim Narratives: Love's Guardian.   

You can check it out, coming December 1st, 2013 at my FREE READ BLOG...


Now, also as promised, here is a short excerpt from my newest WIP.  This is the story I'm writing for the November NaNoWriMo challenge, something I try and do every year for fun.   Since last year was our first year moving around with Cirque, I wasn't able to do a story in 2012, so I was bound and determined to do one this year.   

Now this is unedited and only a first draft, and the cover is just for show, so bear with any mistakes that may be there.  

This is the second book in The Wandering Star Series, and it takes place in the the majestic Aare Gorge Park in the beautiful county of Switzerland.  I hope you enjoy this quick sneak peek from...

The Dragon and the Damsel

“Penny for your thoughts?”
Sina looked up from her sketchpad.  As usual, Taz had appeared out of nowhere, standing in front of the bench, just inside The Dragon’s Throat, where she now sat.  Suddenly she realized she hadn’t drawn a thing in several minutes.  So much for being a great artist.
Sighing, she closed the pad and tucked it away in her bag.  “I’m not sure they’re worth that much.”
“Of course they are,” he said quietly.  “To me your thoughts are precious.”
Her throat tightened.  “You always say the right thing.”
He snorted in disbelief.  “If that were true, you would be in my arms, not sitting alone on that bench.  Yet I can’t seem to find the words to make you want more.”
Shock froze her in her seat.  He actually thought that?  That she was afraid to take the next step?  She shook her head.  “But I’m not the one who’s holding back,” she blurted out unthinkingly.  “You are.”
Taz stared at her, his heart in his throat.  Could it be?  All this time had they been speaking at cross-purposes?  He’d been so careful not to move too fast—to overwhelm her with his need, but perhaps he’d been too much so. Did she actually want him as much as he wanted her?
Unable to help himself, he took a step closer.  “Is that what you really think, Sina?”  He loved the sound of her name on his lips.  It had its own melody—like the sound of the smallest waterfall in the gorge—sweet music with such unseen strength.  “Is what I feel for you so hidden?  Can’t you understand?  I wish to know you.  All of you.  And in all ways.”
Her eyes widened.  “I…”
Perhaps it was time to—as the Americans said—put his cards on the table.  Putting his finger under her chin, he lifted it gently.  “Do you remember the day I saved your life?”
“Of…of course I do,” she whispered.  “Why?”
“Do you remember I asked a boon of you, little dreamer?  Will you give it to me now? 
“A…a b-boon?”
Taz smiled.  She was so lovely, those wide eyes gazing up at him.  A little confused, a little aroused.  “Yes.  Remember?  A single boon for saving your life.”
“A boon for saving my life.”  Memory chased across her face.  “Yes.  I remember.  You s-said you’d ask for one someday.”
“And today,” he murmured as he brushed his lips over her cheeks, one at a time, “is the day.”
He felt her tremble.  “W-What sort of boon?” 
She wasn’t stupid, this one.  She might not know she was bargaining with a dragon, but instinctively, she sensed it.  He chuckled at the wariness in her voice. “Nothing so frightening.  Just something I think would give both of us pleasure.”
“Like…?”  She drew the word out almost teasingly.
“A kiss,” he answered, pulling her nearer.  “One simple kiss.”
“A kiss.”  Repeating the words, she unconsciously snuggled closer, making him groan under his breath.  Taz had a feeling this single kiss would be anything but simple.
 “I-I think I could manage a kiss for the man who saved me.”  She glanced up at him from under her eyelashes.  “And who’s shown me the wonders of his world.”
Heat curled in his belly.  He had the sudden urge to show her more.  To show her everything.  “Sina
“But just one,” she interrupted, her fingers touching his cheek.  “For the boon.”
“Only one.”  His lips traced her forehead as he smiled in anticipation.  The nights had been long since they’d first met, and this kiss would be the first step to get into Sina’s warm bed.  “A boon for your savior. A kiss for both of us to enjoy.”  And with a groan he brought his mouth down on hers.
It was all fire and heat and surprise.  It exploded up out of them both without warning, shocking Taz and making him wish fleetingly he’d not promised to stop at one kiss. 
Then he stopped thinking at all.
Fantasy and reality mixed and became one, and in that single kiss Taz recognized all he’d been missing for a lifetime.  Passion, desire, tenderness, longing—a potent mix of emotions he’d never experienced nor had ever expected to.  In a single heartbeat all the loneliness of his past disappeared.  She was his future.  She was his everything.  She was all he’d wanted but had begun to believe he couldn’t have.
Growling in soft wonder, he knew in that instant his life had just changed.  Muttering his astonishment into Sina’s mouth, he kissed her deeply, his tongue teasing her lips open and then delving inside to find the sweetness he already knew was there.  Waiting for him.
He shuddered.  He, the strongest of his kind was weakened, just by one woman’s kiss.  Yet a longer taste of her, and the faintness disappeared.  Instead, he was reborn.  Just the delicious touch of Sina’s lips made him think of dancing in the moonlight—listening to the music of the trees in the wind.  It was life and magick, creation and joy.  It was everything he’d ever hoped for.  Everything he’d ever wanted.  Nothing in his dreams or his imaginings could have prepared him.  And in that single kiss…that one amazing mingling of breath, he knew.
Schatzi,” he whispered.
       He’d found the woman he’d been searching for.

***end of sneak peak***

Well, I hope you enjoyed this short excerpt!  Doing NaNoWriMo is fun, but it isn't easy, especially with my lifestyle.  But it's worth it when I hear from you all that you've enjoyed my work.  *hint / grin*

I'll be back on Thursday with another fun installment.  Not sure about what, but I hope it will keep you reading!

Hugs to all,

CJ England
Follow Your Dreams


Ray said...

I think I am going to like The Dragon and The Damsel. I can't wait to read the final completed version.

What an exciting adult fairytale.

Phylis said...

Hurry, hurry, please finish this soon!!!!!!!!! *sigh* Wonderful excerpt!

CJ England said...

Thanks, Ray. I'm hoping the book is half as good as the wonderful as the area it's based in. The Aare Gorge was one of my favorite places in Switzerland.

CJ England said...

Ahhh, thanks, Phylis. I'm so glad you liked it.