Hey all,
I found something fun the other day. It's been around for awhile, but somehow I'd missed it. Very surprising once you know where I found the thing.
As most of you know I love the LOL Site. The kittahs, puppies, celebrities and politics are my favorites. Until I saw this new area of LOL...now I've got another one to visit every day. *grin*
For those of you who love sci-fi and fantasy, you'll enjoy this one. You can give it a look yourself, but like the other LOL sections, they take a picture--in this case sci fi / fantasy, and caption it. I spent all night laughing my head off at some of the captions... But I have to say my favorite part of this new area is where they take a sci fi book cover and comment on it. THOSE are great! Check out a few of my favorites and then go see the rest for yourself!
This is just one of dozens of covers that made me chuckle. It's one of the latest and a great example of the genre they are spoofing.

No daughter of Earth’s is going out dressed like that! Now come back here and put some real clothes on, young lady.
Gotta love Clint Eastwood and as THIS Harry, I just busted up.
A classic. Good 'ol Spock. He's a hoot!
Twilight is one of the favorites to diss on this site. This one has got to be one of the best.
Take a look at all the fun pictures on this part of LOL. Go to SCIFI LOL. Like I said, if you enjoy a good sci fi show, you'll really have fun at this LOL.
I'll be back on Monday with more rants and raves!!!!
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
I'm gonna have to go and take a look! lol
Do. I think you'll love it, Phylis.
I did!
The Daughters of Earth was definitely my fave! Thanks for getting me hooked. LOL : )
Um, is it bad that I know the scene with Spock? LOL
These are funny. :0)
You're welcome, Tara. I swear if I had the time I'd sit for hours! LOL
LOL, Connie. I know the scene too! I guess we're sister Trekkies! LOL
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