Hey all,
It's Monday again and you all know what that means. That's right. Time for a guest blogger. Today we have PJ Dean, who has graciously stepped in to help me out with today's blog.
PJ believes that history, romance and people from varied backgrounds and worlds can interact. Romance is for everyone and in romance writing she tries to include all peoples, no matter what their race or creed. She is proud to be able to blend history with romance to produce the characters and story. And from what I've read, she does a great job!!!
So, please join me in welcoming PJ to our blog!!!!
Hello! I am P. J. Dean. What can I say? I am both terrified and excited to be an author with eXtasy Books and possibly finding a house with which I can find longevity. Even with two other books under my belt and one debuting with eXtasy, I consider myself a newbie.
I do not know all the tricks of a great write yet. I just think of a story, put it out there and hope the readers like it. I want to make a career of writing in this second half of my so-called life. I want to say “Toodles!” to the day job somewhere down the line.
I was born to a hard-working, single mother on a tight budget, who believed pursuing the things which make life fun were just as important as the necessities, I was exposed to fun things which would entertain me and enrich my life, not just clutter it up. My mom believed fun did not have to cost much and sought out what Philadelphia had to offer. Libraries, museums, free city-sponsored concerts, etc. I was also raised an only child in a household of adults, so I was a tad precocious. Our neighborhood, South Philly, was, and always has been, a mix of different cultures. We grew up hearing many languages and witnessing the customs of the immigrants who had settled there.
As a child, I learned to observe people, developed an eye for detail and an ear for the unusual. This inquisitiveness led to my affinity for research and a desire to write. My love of other places led to a semester in France and a B. A. in French Civilization, with a minor in Spanish. My in history and my penchant for romance novels directed me to write my first historical romance, "FAITHFUL." It was named a 2005 Independent Book Awards Finalist in the Romance category. "KINDRED" was my next logical step after recalling a snippet of inform
ation my maternal grandmother had related to us about our possibly having American Indian ancestors. I decided to spin it into an historical romance and New Concepts Publishing decided it was good enough to add to their line.
I use the pseudonym, "P. J. Dean," live in NJ with my very demanding cat, Bart.
I write mostly historicals and have found my niche with placing African-Americans in the main character roles. My latest is a departure though. It (The Felig Chronicles) is an interracial/sci-fi romance and has all the trappings of a thriller. The only thing missing are ray guns and rocket ships.
Now that you know a little about me, follow my "newbie" journey.
Thanks, CJ and hi to all!
Thanks to you, P.J. for a look into how you do your thing! For more information about PJ and her alter ego, Anita, see her website at http://www.diverseviews.vpweb.com/
To learn more about her upcoming book, The Felig Chronicles, check out eXtasy's website at http://www.extasybooks.com/
I'll be back tomorrow with the first installment of my Chinese New Year's Blog Special. Just wait until you see all the pictures and videos! WOW!!!!!
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
It's Monday again and you all know what that means. That's right. Time for a guest blogger. Today we have PJ Dean, who has graciously stepped in to help me out with today's blog.
PJ believes that history, romance and people from varied backgrounds and worlds can interact. Romance is for everyone and in romance writing she tries to include all peoples, no matter what their race or creed. She is proud to be able to blend history with romance to produce the characters and story. And from what I've read, she does a great job!!!
So, please join me in welcoming PJ to our blog!!!!
Hello! I am P. J. Dean. What can I say? I am both terrified and excited to be an author with eXtasy Books and possibly finding a house with which I can find longevity. Even with two other books under my belt and one debuting with eXtasy, I consider myself a newbie.
I do not know all the tricks of a great write yet. I just think of a story, put it out there and hope the readers like it. I want to make a career of writing in this second half of my so-called life. I want to say “Toodles!” to the day job somewhere down the line.
I was born to a hard-working, single mother on a tight budget, who believed pursuing the things which make life fun were just as important as the necessities, I was exposed to fun things which would entertain me and enrich my life, not just clutter it up. My mom believed fun did not have to cost much and sought out what Philadelphia had to offer. Libraries, museums, free city-sponsored concerts, etc. I was also raised an only child in a household of adults, so I was a tad precocious. Our neighborhood, South Philly, was, and always has been, a mix of different cultures. We grew up hearing many languages and witnessing the customs of the immigrants who had settled there.
As a child, I learned to observe people, developed an eye for detail and an ear for the unusual. This inquisitiveness led to my affinity for research and a desire to write. My love of other places led to a semester in France and a B. A. in French Civilization, with a minor in Spanish. My in history and my penchant for romance novels directed me to write my first historical romance, "FAITHFUL." It was named a 2005 Independent Book Awards Finalist in the Romance category. "KINDRED" was my next logical step after recalling a snippet of inform

I use the pseudonym, "P. J. Dean," live in NJ with my very demanding cat, Bart.
I write mostly historicals and have found my niche with placing African-Americans in the main character roles. My latest is a departure though. It (The Felig Chronicles) is an interracial/sci-fi romance and has all the trappings of a thriller. The only thing missing are ray guns and rocket ships.
Now that you know a little about me, follow my "newbie" journey.
Thanks, CJ and hi to all!
Thanks to you, P.J. for a look into how you do your thing! For more information about PJ and her alter ego, Anita, see her website at http://www.diverseviews.vpweb.com/
To learn more about her upcoming book, The Felig Chronicles, check out eXtasy's website at http://www.extasybooks.com/
I'll be back tomorrow with the first installment of my Chinese New Year's Blog Special. Just wait until you see all the pictures and videos! WOW!!!!!
CJ England
Follow Your Dreams
I love love sci-fi/futuristic romances and this book just pushed its way to the top of my wishlist.
Congratulations on your new release!
Anna Shah Hoque
It does sound good, doesn't it. I love sci-fi stuff too.
Thanks for dropping by, Anna!
Hi P.J.!
Nice to meet you. I'm not far from you ~ Queens, NY. The mix of cultures, styles, people, etc. is one of the things I love about NYC.
I'll be checking out your website.
Best of luck to you.
Sara J. ~ : - ]
Hi Anna and Sara!
Thank you for the welcome and the interest in my books' themes. I look forward to hearing what you think after you read one. CJ, thanks for the praise in your intro to my entry and for letting me squeeze in. Continued success to you and have more fun on your trip.
ps I felt your distress about the bathroom situation in Singapore. I experienced the same scene in a nightclub in Paris years ago. Ah, differences do make us interesting.
PJ Dean
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