As I mentioned the other day, my schedule is really up in the air right now. It's been crazy around here and next week it only gets worse/better, depending on how you look at it.
We are scheduled to be coming home the first week of May. We thought we were going to be going later, but the PTBs decided Jonathon needed to take his vacation before we were off contract and not after. So that means we have to move the timetable up about three weeks. Can that change again? Might. It has before, which is part of the craziness.
But, what that means is I may not be around the internet on a daily basis because we'll be out and about. So what I'm going to do, at least for the next few weeks is drop my blog post to three times a week. Those I can do easily ahead of time and not be so stressed about it.
EDITED FOR CLARITY: What than means for you is I might not be able to remind you each day about the blog. So, please, become a follower and sign up for a daily email reminder when I add new content.
To become a follower, just go to the top right of the blog and click on the word FOLLOW. Once you've followed the directions--no pun intended--your ready for the next step.
To sign up for daily email notifications for my blog, look in the right hand side bar under my welcoming message. You'll see a heading that says "Dream Along With CJ" and the link--Get A Daily Update. Click on it, put in your email and then when you get a subscription activation notice, just complete it and you're all ready to follow along with CJ's Dreams!!!
In fact, since you're going to all this trouble I'll make it sweeter. For everyone who becomes a Follower and does the above things in red between March 20 and April 1st, I will send you a special Singaporean treat of some kind when I get back to the states. It will be a small, easily mailed treat, but something right from here. Just send me an email with your screen name so I can make sure you're you, your snail mail addy and your real name. And for those who are already followers, send me an email with your addy and I'll send you one too!!! Just to be fair.
So, that being said. Here is the new schedule for the rest of March through the middle of May. Again, it may change, but we'll go with this for now.
I'll post my blogs on Monday and Friday. My wonderful guest bloggers will do the honors on Wednesday. Tues/Thurs will be dark days, as will the weekends unless something spectacular happens and I can't wait to tell you all! LOL
I apologize for the shifting around, but I'd rather promise less and do more than not show up for a while. And since I'm off to a remote fishing village next week, and won't have any internet access, I thought today would be a good day to start.
This new schedule will start as of today. Tomorrow, Sunday will be dark, but blogs are already scheduled and ready for Mon, Weds and Fri of next week. Clear as mud? Whew!
Thanks again for your patience as we go through this change and craziness. Hopefully the cat picture at the top is the only blond you'll see with a machine gun!!! LOLOL
Hugs to all,
CJ England

Follow Your Dreams
We are scheduled to be coming home the first week of May. We thought we were going to be going later, but the PTBs decided Jonathon needed to take his vacation before we were off contract and not after. So that means we have to move the timetable up about three weeks. Can that change again? Might. It has before, which is part of the craziness.
But, what that means is I may not be around the internet on a daily basis because we'll be out and about. So what I'm going to do, at least for the next few weeks is drop my blog post to three times a week. Those I can do easily ahead of time and not be so stressed about it.
EDITED FOR CLARITY: What than means for you is I might not be able to remind you each day about the blog. So, please, become a follower and sign up for a daily email reminder when I add new content.
To become a follower, just go to the top right of the blog and click on the word FOLLOW. Once you've followed the directions--no pun intended--your ready for the next step.
To sign up for daily email notifications for my blog, look in the right hand side bar under my welcoming message. You'll see a heading that says "Dream Along With CJ" and the link--Get A Daily Update. Click on it, put in your email and then when you get a subscription activation notice, just complete it and you're all ready to follow along with CJ's Dreams!!!
In fact, since you're going to all this trouble I'll make it sweeter. For everyone who becomes a Follower and does the above things in red between March 20 and April 1st, I will send you a special Singaporean treat of some kind when I get back to the states. It will be a small, easily mailed treat, but something right from here. Just send me an email with your screen name so I can make sure you're you, your snail mail addy and your real name. And for those who are already followers, send me an email with your addy and I'll send you one too!!! Just to be fair.
So, that being said. Here is the new schedule for the rest of March through the middle of May. Again, it may change, but we'll go with this for now.
I'll post my blogs on Monday and Friday. My wonderful guest bloggers will do the honors on Wednesday. Tues/Thurs will be dark days, as will the weekends unless something spectacular happens and I can't wait to tell you all! LOL

This new schedule will start as of today. Tomorrow, Sunday will be dark, but blogs are already scheduled and ready for Mon, Weds and Fri of next week. Clear as mud? Whew!
Thanks again for your patience as we go through this change and craziness. Hopefully the cat picture at the top is the only blond you'll see with a machine gun!!! LOLOL
Hugs to all,
CJ England
Follow Your Dreams
Works for me. ;)
CJ I loved the Pics of your trip
Sounds like a plan! Have a good fishing trip!
Exactly how do you become a follower? Couldn't find a sign up.
Thanks Julie, Melanie and Phylis.
You can follow the blog by looking at the top left hand side. There should be a link right next to the search box that says "Follow". Click it and follow the instructions!
Hollar if it doesn't work!
All signed up Cj! Here's hoping you some inspiration and a big one!
Thanks, Stephanie.
Don't forget everyone to send me an email with your screen name and snail mail so I know who's who!!!
I signed up!!
have a lot of fun!
I forgot to mention I already follow you're blog. ;)
Heaven’s to Betsy, CJ! I can’t believe my eyes! Did I read your blog right? Taking Vacation on Your Vacation!!! Whatever is the world coming to, I ask you? {snort].
I’m signed up. Have enough fun for all of us. : )
Sara J. ~ : - ]
I'm not finding "Follow". Would love to sign up as a follower since I've been visiting this blog for several months now.
Okay, never mind. Just hadn't signed into my google stuff yet today.
Now, how do I email you? Meaning where do I find your email addie?
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