It's time for another guest blogger. Today I have the honor o

With an imagination that's varied and diverse, her tales explore love in all its many shades, situations and scenarios.
She fell into romance stories at the ripe age of eleven and has been writing stories ever since. A humble scribbler of tales, RaeLynn is actively writing another story of lust, love, and romance.
I hadn't read any of RaeLynn's work before now, so I picked up a copy of The Personal Assistant, since I love stories about artists. It was a well crafted, fast paced story that was made me curious about her other work, and I think as you get to know her, you will be intrigued as well.
So join me in welcoming the amazing...RaeLynn Blue!!!!
First I’d like to thank CJ England for allowing me to visit her blog and write. Being a guest means I have to keep the place neat and mind my manners, which is important.
My name’s RaeLynn Blue and I’m published by Phaze, Whiskey Creek’s Torrid, Changeling, Beautiful Trouble, and Parker Publishing, LLC. Despite my many publications, I still become enthralled with reading a good story, one that helps me escape the mundane. This is why I write romance, to escape the stress, mundaneness, and overall evil of everyday life.
What kind of romance do I write? For the most part, I write interracial, erotic romance. What does that mean exactly? Well, when I consider interracial romance, it means two different ethnicities that date romantically. This is a subgenre of romance. I’m also in an interracial marriage, so when I set down to write about two people falling in love, most often I see the characters as not being from the same ethnicities. Though I’ll be honest it doesn’t just pertain to the physical differences, but also interspecies too.
Which leads to the very next part of my writing! I write a bunch of various sub-genres of the romance subgenre, if you follow. I write science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and contemporary interracial romances. LOL! Yes, most of my stories are written in one of these various subgenres. I truly enjoy writing in make believe worlds that I populate and create. Some may argue that I can do the same with contemporary settings, but there are rules I have to follow---gravity, the limitations of powers, the fact that society is structured in a certain manner, etc.
When I play, I want all rules to be off the table—so to speak. That’s another reason why I like romance. I like romance that is fantastic and grand, and it must sweep me away from the everyday mundane of being mother, teacher, and wife. Otherwise, what is the point? As a high school English teacher, I read novels all the time that inspire great thought, and speaks to the human condition (including all its ills), but when it comes to love, falling in love, it shouldn’t carry a lengthy thought process.
Falling in love should be fantastic and free, wonderful and wicked, loving and lustful—or they are when I write them.
That’s not to say that real love and relationships aren’t complicated. They are! They’re also complicated for my characters too, but set against the backdrop of incubus and shape shifters, goddesses and gods, and space commanders and generals, let’s just say the stories become more interesting. ;-)
As a writer, I am first a reader, and if the story entertains me, then I’m reasonably certain it will entertain readers. Besides, there’s plenty of things on the news one could use to stress out over, but when I sit down to read, I want to escape the everyday.
Why do you read? I invite you to post your “why I read romance” comments at my Yahoo group, The Color of Love (, and let’s discuss why you read romance.
Thanks, CJ for having me today!
RaeLynn Blue
Bio: Check out one of RaeLynn Blue’s upcoming escapes into the fantastic with Sudden Snow an interracial science fiction romance available April 23rd from Changeling.
Great Blog, RaeLynn! I can't wait to read the new story. The blurb looks wonderful, and I'm a sucker for those type of adventure stories!!! Check out the rest of her work and her website and drop some comments in here about what you think of my latest guest.
On Friday, I'll be back with the next installment of the ZOO series when I share some of what Jonathon and I did on our day at the Singapore Zoo!
Hugs to all,
CJ England
Follow Your Dreams
Very nice interview.
Hi RaeLynn,
I luv your attitude and writing style ~ “Falling in love should be fantastic and free, wonderful and wicked, loving and lustful” sounds great to me! I read romance for many of the same reasons you mentioned ~ definitely escape from ‘real’ life, especially for the HEAs that are so rare in life.
I agree with CJ ~ Sudden Snow’s summary [I couldn’t access an excerpt] sounds exciting and the cover is looking good.
Best of Luck to you,
Sara J. ~ : - ]
Hi RaeLynn,
Sorry I missed the chat. Loved the interview. Keep up the good work. You already know that I love all of your works (smile).
Thanks for coming by everyone. Both RaeLynn and I appreciate the support!
That's the exact reason I get away from the real world! Excellent blog CJ and RaeLynn!
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