It's Wednesday--Hump Day--and I'll be out and about today. Errands, so please forgive me if this blog is shorter than normal. But I do have a few things for you all today.
First off, don't forget that I have a brand new FREE READ for you all at my other blog. It's only a couple of installments in so you have plenty of time to jump in and enjoy. Go to and please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Two: My newsletter is ready to go with all kinds of interesting topics to peruse and another FREE READ for you all. Sign up and get all the news at
And finally, today is fun and sexy day. Each Hump Day I will put up an interesting and naughty sex tip or idea for you and your lover to try out. Why? Because I believe that variety is the spice of life and when you try different things with that special someone, it can add a little
Today's tip is for you lovers who enjoy playing games. As you may know there are hundreds of sex games out there. For couples and for those who enjoy more of effort. But since I'm not into menage, this post will center on a couple of games you can play with your sweetheart.
One of my favorite games is something we all usually have in our cupboards. No, I'm not talking about Yatzee or Monopoly. LOL I'm talking DICE.
Aidan smiled as he remembered her pink face when he’d handed her a pair of Love Dice. One of the die had words like lick, kiss, fondle and tickle on it. The other had such words as, nipples, lips, cock/clit, and ass. The object of the game was to roll the dice and see what combination came up.
And then do it.
Sound like fun? I guarantee it is. Once you get through the giggles, taking up the challenge of doing what the dice say is a lot of fun. But you don't have to have a special set of dice to do it. You can play with a regular set, too. Just assign words to the numbers and go with it. For example, you roll one dice for the verb part of the fun...
1- Lick
And so on. Whatever words you want to use.
And for the other part, the noun part of the fun, you roll both dice and use that number. For example...
7- nipples
8- clit/cock
9- toes
And so on. Whatever words you want to use. And the nice thing about doing up your own, is you can change the words as you like, whenever you want to shake things up.
A second game is one that we often play when we are alone in the house. All it takes is a comfortable bed and a movie to watch.
Enter the kissing game. Similar to the drinking game, this one is played while watching a movie. Decide beforehand what "triggers" in the movie you will use - sayings that are repeated, actions that are repeated, etc. Everytime those things are said or done, you get to kiss your partner. Careful, though, all those little kisses may add up to something a little more steamy! Which is the fun part. LOL
I hope you enjoy these two sexy ideas to perk up your love life. Please let me know how it goes and if you have any other fun games you like to play with your lover put them in the comments below!
Have a great day!
CJ England
Follow Your Dreams
Very interesting and sounds like the games are a lot of fun.
Great ideas! I think we have some of those dice somewhere....Hmmmm. lol
Hey Maria,
They are fun. A lot! Give them a try!
You should dust them off. I'll bet you'll have an interesting evening. LOL
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